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Rhinoplasty in Turkey: A Comprehensive Guide to Achieving Your Desired Nose Shape



Rhinoplasty, commonly referred to as a "nose job," is a surgical procedure aimed at altering the shape, size, or functionality of the nose. It is one of the most popular cosmetic surgeries worldwide, sought after by individuals looking to enhance their facial aesthetics or address functional issues such as breathing difficulties. Rhinoplasty can be a transformative procedure, boosting self-confidence and improving overall facial harmony.

Types of Rhinoplasty:

  1. Cosmetic Rhinoplasty: This type of rhinoplasty focuses on enhancing the appearance of the nose. It can address various concerns such as a dorsal hump, wide nasal bridge, crooked nose, bulbous tip, or asymmetry. Cosmetic rhinoplasty aims to achieve a more aesthetically pleasing nasal profile while maintaining facial balance.

  2. Functional Rhinoplasty: Functional rhinoplasty is performed to correct structural abnormalities within the nose that obstruct breathing or cause nasal congestion. Common issues addressed include deviated septum, enlarged turbinates, collapsed nasal valves, or nasal polyps. Improving nasal function can lead to better airflow, reduced snoring, and enhanced overall quality of life.


  1. Consultation: The first step in the rhinoplasty process is a thorough consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon or otolaryngologist (ENT). During this consultation, the surgeon will assess the patient's nasal anatomy, discuss their goals and expectations, and formulate a personalized treatment plan.

  2. Surgery: Rhinoplasty can be performed using either an open or closed approach, depending on the complexity of the procedure and the surgeon's preference. In an open rhinoplasty, an incision is made across the columella (the strip of tissue between the nostrils), providing better visibility and access to the nasal structures. In a closed rhinoplasty, incisions are made inside the nostrils, resulting in no external scarring. The surgeon reshapes the nasal cartilage, bone, and soft tissue to achieve the desired outcome. Cartilage grafts may be used to add volume or support to specific areas of the nose.

  3. Recovery: Following surgery, patients can expect some swelling, bruising, and mild discomfort, which typically subside within a few weeks. Nasal splints or packing may be placed inside the nose to support the new nasal structure during the initial healing phase. Most patients are able to return to work and normal activities within 1-2 weeks, although strenuous exercise should be avoided for several weeks.

Risks and Considerations:

Like any surgical procedure, rhinoplasty carries inherent risks and considerations. These may include:

  • Bleeding: Some bleeding is normal after rhinoplasty, but excessive bleeding may require medical attention.

  • Infection: Although rare, infection can occur following surgery and may necessitate antibiotics or additional treatment.

  • Unsatisfactory Results: While the goal of rhinoplasty is to achieve the desired outcome, there is a possibility of asymmetry, overcorrection, or other aesthetic concerns that may require revision surgery.

  • Nasal Obstruction: In some cases, rhinoplasty may worsen nasal breathing temporarily, although functional rhinoplasty aims to improve airflow in the long term.

  • Anesthesia Risks: General anesthesia carries its own set of risks, including reactions to medications and breathing difficulties.


Rhinoplasty is a highly individualized procedure that can address both cosmetic and functional concerns of the nose. By choosing a skilled and experienced surgeon and carefully following pre- and post-operative instructions, patients can achieve satisfying results and enjoy the benefits of improved nasal aesthetics and function. As with any elective surgery, thorough research and open communication with the surgeon are essential steps in the decision-making process.

Rhinodplasty preperation


Rhinoplasty, commonly referred to as a “nose job,” is surgery to change the shape of your nose by modifying the bone or cartilage. Rhinoplasty is one of the most common types of plastic surgery. Your surgeon can make changes to your nose through rhinoplasty that  include changes in size or angle, straightening of the bridge, reshaping the tip and narrowing or widening of the nostrils. This surgery can typically take between 1 and 4 hours.

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